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Gina and Joe Biden are in the Zone.

Vice President Joe Biden L'68

Image via Wikipedia

“Gina’s sleep program works. I’ve never felt better or been less stressed.

Now what’s this I hear about Libya?”

In her ongoing effort to be healthy and manage stress, Gina has devised a new health program. Remarkably, it’s the only program she’s managed to adhere to. It’s called The Sleep Zone. Whenever things get stressful at home or Gina has an urge to eat something unhealthy, she takes a brief cat nap. The beauty of her program is its portability. She’s taken it to the library while waiting for her daughter to be tutored. (“Ewww Mommy, you drooled on your book.”) She’s taken it on airplanes with Patty.( “Gene, you missed the snack cart twice.”) And pretty much anywhere in the house. (“Look Katie, Mom’s cleaning the oven while she sleeps.”) And boy has she seen results. She’s lost 3 pounds and cut her monthly budget in half since she began the program. “Look, sleep is a powerful and healthy coping mechanism. I’m not eating or spending money or nagging my kids,” said Gina. She particularly loves the weight loss benefits. “Anyone ever see Rip Van Winkle at Dairy Queen?”

Apparently, Gina’s program is catching on. During the recent Presidential address, Joe Biden was in The Sleep Zone. Who could blame him? Talking about the country’s growing deficit is very stressful. (see video below)

What do you think? Could you sleep your way to good health?

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3 Responses to Gina and Joe Biden are in the Zone.

  1. Judy Fabian April 15, 2011 at 2:27 pm #

    Bahahahahaha!! That’s hilarious!!

  2. Sandra Compton April 15, 2011 at 2:45 pm #

    I think sleep is a very healthy way to relieve stress,,,, and if it has financial benefits I am so there! Nothing can be more refreshing than a shrinking butt,, fattening wallet and a nice dream 🙂 I wonder what BIden was dreaming about? DO you think it was DQ ? LOL

  3. Sharon April 15, 2011 at 4:50 pm #

    Isn’t sleep a controlled substance? Isn’t that why we never get enough?

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