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Welcome to Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid

Therapy and sanity for ordinary parents of special kids.

Doggie got issues?

Since we’ve been traveling the country speaking, we’ve become familiar with many different types of mental health conditions and disabilities. We’re thrilled to have gained this knowledge, though our husbands think we take things too far. “What do you mean you’ve diagnosed the Fed Ex man with OCD? He has to get  your signature.”  We’ve even applied this knowledge to our dogs, Max and Rocky. Patty is convinced Rocky has an eating disorder and Gina is convinced her dog Max has Asperger’s.

“Pat, do you ever notice Max doesn’t look you in the eye when you talk to him? I think he’s an Aspie.”

“Gene, don’t be ridiculous. He doesn’t have Asperger’s. He’s just stealing from you.”

We actually do believe  some dogs suffer from anxiety and depression, and were not at all surprised to learn that there are actually medicines to treat them. Check out the article below that discusses how Doggie Prozac has helped dogs with separation anxiety.

Have you diagnosed one of your pets with a mental health issue or disability? Tell us about it.


One Response to Doggie got issues?

  1. Just Anothah Sistah October 12, 2011 at 2:03 am #

    Our vet gave us amitriptyline (Elavil) for our cat–she thinks he is anxious and stressed by the outside cats that come around, and that that is the underlying cause of his UTIs. Have to admit, he got over his UTI and stopped yowling at 4 a.m. while on the drug. (We tried talk therapy for him–“Cat, shut UP!”–but it didn’t work.)

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