Our Guest Blogger initiative has been a huge success! We’ve not only had the opportunity to meet some talented writers, but also, get some unique perspectives from other parents raising children with disabilities. We’re pleased to introduce you to our newest blogger, Elise Fong, creator of “Extra Special Kids,” which describes life with her to daughters, one with special needs and one without. Elise, featured in the photo with her beautiful daughters, hails from California, and has shared her blog “Take a Ride On My Helicopter.” P and G offered to pick up the blog in person, but Elise politely declined. 🙂 We will extend this offer to our Hawaiian and Australian bloggers.
Take a Ride on My Helicopter
helicopter parenting
noun Informal .
a style of child rearing in
which an overprotective mother or father discourages a child’s independence by being too involved in the child’s life: In typical helicopter parenting, a mother or father swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.
1985–90; so called because such a parent ‘hovers’ like a helicopter
*source: Dictionary.com
You know them, the helicopter parents. They cushion the falls or, whenever possible, prevent them; they make excuses for their children; they save the day when a child has been irresponsible. They are also involved – on the PTA, as the team mom/dad, as the coach, certainly as the chauffer. When I didn’t have kids, I thought it would be so easy to set the boundaries, follow through every time, dole out the discipline when necessary, and everything would play out exactly as I imagined. I certainly never imagined that I would be a helicopter parent.
- Blogger Elise and her Extra Special Kids
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